Scritto da Rodelio I. Mapula | Categoria: A proposito di noi  |  Pubblicato il 08/03/2024

“For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” (Romans 12:4-5)
The concept of community originates from God's very nature, which is the communion of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the three divine persons of the Blessed Trinity. For this, man is called to join this universal fraternity by developing a close relationship with himself and by engaging in interpersonal communion (Fraternal Life in Community, 9). To live in communion with Jesus, to share his life and destiny, and to be a symbol of the life and communion he started, the religious community becomes an expression of this ecclesial communion (FLC, 10). In order to be able to recognize the signs of the times and adapt to new ways of living out this one single communion, the Apostles of Jesus Crucified of Davao Community in the Philippines strive to be raised and enlightened by the Word of God.

Scritto da Rod Ian Mapula | Categoria: A proposito di Noi  |  Pubblicato il 30/01/2024

The St. Francis Xavier Regional Major Seminary (ReMaSe) of Davao City, Philippines holds its annual Institution to the Minor Ministries in view of priesthood. Seminarians from the Configuration Year 2 received their Ministry to Lectorate while Configuration Year 3 received their Ministry to Acolytate. Currently, the Apostles of Jesus Crucified Fathers and Brothers of Davao community is sending one seminarian at ReMaSe who is now in his second year of Theology. As part of the preparation for priesthood, Br. Rodelio I. Mapula, AJC was instituted to the Ministry of Lectors last January 20, 2024 at San Pedro Cathedral in Davao City. He was conferred along with other seminarians by the Most. Rev. Romulo G. Valles, D.D., Archbishop of Davao. Taking part as concelebrating bishop is the Bishop of the Diocese of Butuan, and the other concelebrating priests were from the diocesan seminary and religious congregation.

Scritto da Redazione | Categoria: A proposito di Noi  |  Pubblicato il 22/01/2024

Tra l’8 e il 18  gennaio lo staff vocazionale degli Apostoli di Gesù Crocifisso ha organizzato un ritiro vocazionale a Egede Town in Enugu State (Nigeria). P. Andrea Maria Egbegolu ha potuto approfondire la conoscenza di alcuni nostri aspiranti attraverso diversi momenti di preghiera, catechesi e colloqui personali. 

Scritto da Peter Kivuva | Categoria: A Proposito di Noi  |  Pubblicato il 11/01/2024

It is my pleasure to salute you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The community of Bangui salutes you as well! In this article, I will present you the different activities and events that transpired sometimes this year that Apostles of Jesus Crucified (Bangui) witnessed. These includes: the visit of the Apostolic Nuncio, the visit of the general superior (Rev. Fr. John Claude Nzembele) and finally the visit of Fr. Michele Momoli. On behalf of Fr. Gerald Yapo the community superior, I want to extend our sincere gratitude for the three fathers who sacrificed their time to pass around and share with us. We are indeed grateful.


Chatta con Noi

È morto Don Domenico Labellarte. Il suo racconto su Padre Pio

VOCATION. God calls in silence


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