Scritto da Peter Kivuva | Categoria: A proposito di noi |  Pubblicato il 28/01/2025

A canonical visit in the Catholic Church is understood as an act by which a Superior General or his delegate pays a visit to a religious community or institute for a variety of reasons namely: promoting fidelity to the Gospel, maintaining faith and discipline, correcting abuses, strengthening relationships between communities, reinforcing the community’s missionary commitment, assessing the community’s progress among others. This is clearly articulated in the Constitutions of Apostles of Jesus Crucified, Art.116 and I quote:  ‘’The General Superior, at least every three years, personally or through a delegate of him chosen with deliberative vote of his Council, will pay a visit to the single houses, informing in advance the itinerary and the program.

He will approach every single religious with prudence and charity in order to be aware of their life, of the running of the economy, promoting zealously the regular observance and the commitment to the religious perfection, and removing resolutely the abuses which should have filtered. At the end of the visit he will make a faithful report to his Council.’’(cf canon 628 § 1 & 3). On arrival, he was received at the airport by the community superior, Fr. Gerard Yapo and welcomed in the community by the brothers. During this particular visit, the General Father had time to meet each member of the community to discuss on matters community as well as vocation. He also examined budget reports presented by the respective representatives to familiarize himself with the progress of the mission. 



For the short duration that he stayed in the community, he was generous with time. He presided over the Eucharistic celebrations as well as leading the morning meditations every day, inclusive of Sunday the 12, January 2025, a significant date that was beautified by the entry into novitiate of EDE Philip Chidera and EZEME Emmanuel Chibueze both from Nigeria and the first religious profession of Br. Joel MUBENGA of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The mass started at 7:30 and ended at around 10:30, which followed a moment photos with the invited guests and parishners who were full of joy. There after there was fraternal sharing at the big hall at Padrepio School. 

The following two days, i.e. Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th, the General Father had a meeting with the pastoral councils as well as meeting with Fr. Stephen, Br. Hugo, Fr. Gerard in the presence of the economic council during the morning and afternoon hours and in the evenings he held meetings with the professed members to discuss on matters leadership.

It was quite time with a busy schedule that saw the sunlight of the Wednesday 15th when he was set to return to Italy. Owing to the shortness of the time duration for the visit and the busy schedule that he had, it is expected that on his arrival and after some rest from the journey, the General Father will give his indications in writing regarding the recent concluded canonical visit. On behalf of Bangui community, I hereby extend our heartfelt appreciations to Fr. Jean Claude Nzembele, for sparing time from his busy schedule to pay that visit. I also wish him good health as he continues to serve this institute.




  • 2024-10-18 Preghiera, raccolta e Animazione missionaria
    Preghiera, raccolta e Animazione missionaria


    Il primo ottobre festa di Santa Teresa di Lisieux è anche l’inizio del mese missionario: Ottobre missionario, mese durante il quale, in modo particolare, vengono prese delle iniziative di preghiera, raccolte di fondi e tutto ciò che può servire alle missioni; in più, è il mese dedicato in modo speciale all’animazione missionaria che consiste nel sensibilizzare le comunità cristiane alla realtà della missione, soprattutto quella ad gentes.

    Santa Teresa, suora di clausura diventata patrona delle missioni nel 1927, vibrava dell’amore di Gesù Cristo e il suo più grande sogno era quello di diventare missionaria in tutte le realtà della Chiesa e in tutte le parti del mondo. Ascoltiamola:

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